How to delete Instagram Account Permanently and temparary?

Instagram is a very popular social networking website in today's time. Created by Facebook. But many people want to know how to delete their Instagram account Permanently, I don’t know why they want to delete their Instagram account.

Because everyone has their own problems. And our job is to solve your problems, so in today's post, we will tell you to delete your Instagram account permanently.

First of all, let us tell you that two options are given to delete and deactivate the Instagram account. Some people do not want to permanently delete their Instagram account. Those people can deactivate their Instagram account

Deactivating an Instagram account disguises your account from Instagram. And the video and photo uploaded on his Instagram account are also hidden. Which no one knows by looking at your Instagram account.

This is similar to permanently delete an Instagram account, but once you permanently delete the Instagram account, you can never open it again, but after deactivating the Instagram account, you can reactivate it anytime after a few hours. is.

But when you permanently delete the Instagram account, it gets deleted forever, which is no way to open it again.

So before permanently deleting your Instagram account, if you want the photo and video that you have put on your account, Backup it in advance because once your Instagram account is permanently deleted, you will never get that photo and video.

Learn how to backup Instagram

So friends, in this post today, we are going to tell you about both ways if you want to deactivate the Instagram account for a few days or you want to permanently delete the Instagram account, then after reading our full post, you can do so very easily Can do with So, read this post once thoroughly and follow the steps given by us.

How to delete Instagram Account Permanently?

First of all, we have to tell you that somehow you can delete your Instagram account permanently because many people want to permanently delete their account, then follow the steps given below.

Note:- To permanently delete your Instagram account in mobile, use chrome browsers or use your PC.

  1. To delete your account, click here to permanently delete Instagram accounts or type in the URL after login to your Instagram account or click here.

  2. As soon as you do as mentioned above, a new page opens in front of you. As you can see.

  3. Now you will be asked "Why are you deleting your account" and clicking below it, you have to choose any of your reasons.

  4. When you select your reason, then you are asked your Instagram password, enter it.

  5. Now you have to click on Permanently delete your account and your Instagram account gets deleted permanently.

In this way, you can delete your Instagram account permanently very easily. If you face any problems then comment us. Now we are going to tell you about another option that you can deactivate your Instagram account and which can be reactivated later, then follow the steps that we have given.

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How to Deactivate Instagram Account?

  1. First of all log in to your Instagram account, you can use either chrome browser or Instagram app.

  2. When you log in to your account then go to your home profile and click on the home profile icon.

  3. Now you will see the option of Edit Profile, click on it.

  4. After clicking on Edit Profile, a new screen appears in which you click on the temporarily disable my account link with the submit button at the bottom.

  5. As soon as you click on this link, a new page opens in which “Why are you disable your account? In "You have to select Reason." And after that enter your password.

  6. Now click on "Temporarily Disable Account". After this, there are two options Yes and No then you have to click on Yes.

  7. As soon as you click Yes Button, your Instagram account gets disabled if you login into it now, then it tells you to try after a few hours.

So friends, now you must have understood well how to delete an Instagram account Permanently and if you want to deactivate it for a few days, then how do you do it and you must have found it, then if you liked our article share it with your friends on social media and if you face any problem, then definitely tell us in the comment.

How to Instagram Account Permanently Step by Step Guide

Do you want to delete or deactivate your Instagram account? In this article, I will tell you how to Delete Instagram Account Permanently!

If you are trying to delete your ID on Instagram? But you are not able to do it, do not worry you are at the right place. Here I will share with you complete information about temporary disable and permanent delete of Instagram account.

1. Temporarily Disable Instagram account

2. Delete Instagram account permanently

What is the difference between Deactivate Instagram and Permanently Delete Instagram?

There are two ways to Deactivate Instagram account which are completely different from each other.

Deactivate your Instagram account temporarily - When you temporarily disable your Instagram id, your profile, photos, comments, and likes are all hidden. And, when you log in to your Instagram id again, all the information is activated again.

Permanent delete Instagram account - When you permanently delete your Instagram account, your profile, photos, videos, comments, likes, and followers are all permanently deleted permanently.

If you deactivate your Instagram account with another method (Permanent delete Instagram account) then you will never be able to log into your Instagram again and will not be able to create any other Instagram id from that username as well.

So if you are thinking of deleting your Instagram id then first think carefully about whether you want to temporarily disable your Instagram account or delete Permanent.

How to Temporarily Deactivate an Instagram account?

  • Temporarily Disable Instagram account.

Follow the steps given below to temporarily disable your Instagram account:

  1. To deactivate your Instagram account, first, log in to your Instagram account.

  2. After this, click on the user icon which appears in the top right. Then click on Edit Profile.

  3. Then scroll down and click on "Temporarily disable my account".

  4. Now you will be asked a question, "Why are you disabling your account", that is why you are disabling your account! To answer this question, 

  5. click on the drop-down menu next to it and select an option. After this enter your Instagram account password. Then click on "Temporarily Disable Account".

How to Permanently Delete an Instagram account?

  • Delete Instagram Account Permanently 

Follow the steps given below for Permanently delete Instagram:

To permanently delete your Instagram account, log in to your Instagram account. you cannot permanently delete your Instagram account from the Instagram app.

  1. To permanently delete your Instagram id, click on the Delete Your Account link.

  2. On this page, select an option from the drop-down menu. After this enter the password, then click on "Permanently delete my account".

  3. Now your Instagram account will become permanently deactivated.

In this article, I talked about two ways to disable the Instagram account. If you have any type of question in your mind then you can let me know in the comment.